Can you not help but look around your office and notice the gloomy, demotivated and bored faces you’re greeted with? Whether you’re a CEO wanting to boost the productivity of your workforce or a lower-end employee wanting to help out your fellow colleagues, I believe you can definitely take something from this blog.
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]So let’s get started!
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This is an issue that a lot of workers (both bosses & employees) may disagree with or shy away from. On the employees’ side of things, they’re scared to have light conversation around the office in the fear that they’ll be spotted by your boss and be punished, first of all; if you work in an office environment where you feel scared to speak up due to a domineering boss who you feel keeps watch of your every move, I’d seriously consider looking elsewhere to work as, at the end of the day, the average office worker spends over half of their life in their office environment, you can’t afford to be bogged down during that time!
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]On the other hand lies the ‘big bad’ boss; in most cases you’ll find that those bosses who are strict about office conversation are just scared that if employees are talking then they aren’t working to their full potential. However, most of the time this is the complete opposite.
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]Having a few segments of chat throughout your working day has been proven to de-stress employees, meaning that when you do return back to your work you do so with a much more positive and motivated attitude after having a little bit of human interaction. Obviously, it’s important to not let the chatting get out of hand and balance too heavily in that direction as this can lead to a severe decrease in productivity. So bosses, only crack the whip when necessary!
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This little tip can apply both the bosses and the less senior members of your workplace. If you’re the boss, all it can take is congratulating your employees on their individual success in their role, this can be achieved in monthly one-to-one review meetings or spontaneously around the office, sometimes just letting the hard workers know that their efforts are appreciated can keep them hanging on just a little bit longer!
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]As a fellow employee, try your best to motivate your team and not allow them to become bogged down in the occasional gloom and doom of the working life. A friendly reminder that somebody in the office cares can make all the difference!
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A lot of studies have shown that by working in an office environment with a varied colour scheme, framed pictures, photo walls etc can massively boost productivity. Think about it; when you decorate a room in your house, do you walk in and say “I’d just love to have some plain white walls and nothing else”? Of course not! You may want wallpaper, feature walls and coloured furniture because it creates a nice environment for you to be in and makes you feel more comfortable and happy. The happier you are, the more work you’ll want to do, the more productive you’ll become. Even if you haven’t got the confidence to pitch the idea to your boss, just bringing some pictures of your loved ones to keep on your desk can keep you going.
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This is a simple yet effective tip to build morale and relationships in the office that inevitably lead to everybody feeling a bit more comfortable with each other and relaxing in to the flow of your work day. As the boss, it will be your duty to organise the event! However, you have to be considerate to everybody’s likes and hobbies, so ask around! This also acts as an incentive to work harder as you know you will be plentifully rewarded for it in the end.
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This is a topic that’s recurring in a lot of my blogs, but that’s only because I want to emphasise how important it is to make your employees’ work life as easy as possible. When basic tasks such as booking holidays, filing complaints or organising pay slips becomes something that requires employees to excessively nag your HR department, your office environment will deteriorate as tensions rise and productivity falls. One of the basic HR functions that many workplaces are adopting now is a piece of HR technology that allows you to handle complaints, holiday bookings, shift timetables, personal contracts using a SaaS (Software as a Service) based platform that can be accessed through any web browser on any device! Examples of this can be found in organisations from the NHS to McDonalds… And it works. The result? Happier, less stressed staff that feel empowered with a new found control over their work life.
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]By working with consultancies such as ourselves, we can help you build the perfect team to deliver business transformations such as these and support you throughout the entire process, providing expert project advisory consulting for a very cost effective price. Previous clients of ours vary from not-for-profit organisations such as British Council to Multi-National Law Firms such as Allen & Overy LLP. We’re a company that you can trust and we’d love to take on any new challenges you can throw our way!
[vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”left” color=”” border_style=”dashed” width=”” thickness=”” up=”” down=””]Thank you for reading this blog and, as always, if you’re interested in making life easier for your employees and sky-rocketing the productivity levels, get in touch today!
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You can catch us on: 020 3051 9077 or [email protected]
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About The Author:
This post was produced by Daniel McCartney at The Réncái Group – a specialist consultancy focused in building teams to deliver HR Change & SaaS/Cloud projects.
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